Responsible investment

Asking more for society and the environment, with great potential returns, that’s good for everyone.

What’s responsible investing?

Responsible investing is an investment strategy that selects and manages investments based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria. It’s products are designed for those who want to see their investment grow while supporting businesses that promote sustainable development and respect social and human responsibilities.

Examples of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria

  • Environmental

    • Climate change
    • Protection of biodiversity
    • Water management
    • Sustainability of resources
  • Social

    • Respect for human rights
    • Working conditions
  • Governance

    • Composition of the Board of Directors
    • Executive compensation
    • Shareholder rights

Strategies for investing responsibly

By choosing responsible investing, you’re investing your money in companies that combine strong financial results with responsible practices. Use your money as a lever for change!

Certain industries such as tobacco/vaping, thermal coal and weapons are not covered by RI products at Desjardins.

Added to the financial analysis of the companies is the assessment of their environmental, social and governance practices. This assessment could look at different aspects such as respect for human rights, labour practices or climate change.

Thematic investments are made based on one or more of the targeted issues among the chosen companies that offer competitive financial returns.

Engaged shareholders interact directly with the companies that make up an investment portfolio. It steers them to improve their environmental, social and governance practices and gives investors a voice.

A variety of ways are used to exert influence over companies:

  • Opening a dialogue to improve practices
  • Making proposals to stimulate change
  • Exercising voting rights at annual company meetings

Coalitions can be formed with other institutional investors to push for improvements such as environmental policies or industry standards.

Choosing RI pays off!

RI lets you support sustainable development without sacrificing your returns. In fact, 1,800 studies published since 1970 shows a neutral or positive link between ESG criteria and financial returnsfootnote 1.

Companies that care about ESG issues are often better equipped to manage the risks posed by the challenges of our modern economy. They can also provide interesting business opportunities through their investments in certain sectors, such as alternative energies.

Ever-evolving pioneers

We're groundbreakers. In addition to introducing the first environment fund in 1990, Desjardins has often been, and continues to be, a Canadian leader in responsible investing:

  • 2016 Launch of the first green bond mutual fund, the Desjardins Sustainable Environmental Bond Fund
    Launch of the first clean technology mutual fund, the Desjardins Sustainable Cleantech Fund
  • 2018 Launch of the first RI emerging markets mutual fund, the Desjardins Sustainable Emerging Markets Equity Fund
    Launch of the first low-CO2 exchange-traded funds (ETF) line-up
  • 2020 Launch of our fourth thematic impact fund, the Desjardins Sustainable Diversity Fund

This link will open in a new tab. Learn more about responsible investing

  1. ESG and financial performance: aggregated evidence from more than 2,000 empirical studies, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, University of Hamburg